

Pomegranate seedling planting: a north-south spacing should be 111 per mu, 2X3M. Also can be in the ground, the ground weir planting to implement the fruit grain.

栽植时间、方法: 栽植时间北方最好在春季化冻后,这样可免去科栽防冻的工序。长江以南秋冬均可栽植,也可以复盖地膜,提高成活率,保水保肥促进生长。 栽植方法:条沟栽植、沟深、沟宽各0.6m,每亩施圈肥5千千克,化肥30千克。

Methods: the planting time, planting time in the spring thaw North best, so to be planted, anti freezing process. South of the Yangtze River to the South and winter can be planted, can also be covered with plastic film, improve the survival rate, the water and fertilizer to promote growth. Methods: planting, planting ditch ditch, deep groove width 0.6m, 5 grams per acre applied after thousands, fertilizer 30 kg.

与土壤混合掺匀,填在沟内30cm以下,上边填土栽植。 栽后管理:春季可根据天气情况,一般浇水2次即可,6月中旬、下旬,每株施复合肥150-200克,同时进行浇水。要经常进行中耕除草,保持园内清洁。落叶后,根据当地气温下降情况,进行防寒越科,一般多在11月下旬至12月上旬进行。

Mixed with the soil mix, fill in the trench below 30cm, above the soil planting. After planting management: spring can be according to the weather conditions, the general watering 2 times can be, in mid June, late, each strain Shi Fuhe 150-200 grams, at the same time watering. Regular weeding, to keep the park clean. After defoliation, according to the local temperature drop, for cold, more generally, in late November to the beginning of December.


预测预报,防治病虫  8月-10月,着重防治炭疽病、锈壁虱、红蜘蛛和矢尖蚧等。在秋梢抽发期,喷800倍代森铵溶液1-2次,防治炭疽病;对红蜘蛛,观察当年梢新叶,每片约有5只时,用15%灭螨净乳油3000倍液喷杀1次;9月上中旬为矢尖蚧盛发期,当幼蚧孵化率达50%左右时,喷40%速扑杀乳油1200倍液1-2次。

Shandong nursery stock base forecast, prevention and control of plant diseases and elimination of pests in August October, focus on the control of anthracnose, rust mite, red spider and unaspis yanonensis. In autumn shoot extraction period, 1-2 times spray 800 times Amobam solution, control of anthracnose disease; the red spider observed when flush of new leaves, each about 5 and 15% of killing mites net EC 3000 times liquid spray to kill time; September mid unaspis yanonensis peak period, when the young insect hatching rate was about 50%, spraying 40% culling rate EC 1200 times fluid 1-2 times.